Wednesday, March 12, 2014


We live in a world under the impression that love has limits. In my short 18 years on this earth I've come to realize that giving away love never decreases the amount of love you have. I have had my heartbroken many times, and yes, it's made me more cautious about who I trust but it definitely hasn't stopped me from loving people.

I've fallen in love with strangers on the street, just today I passed a young man reading at a cafe, and in that instant I fell in love with him. No, I don't want to marry him, and I will never see him again, but sometimes you see people when they're engrossed in a book, or talking about something they're passionate about.  In that moment you get to see them, their naked soul, and it's completely okay to fall in love with them. It doesn't have to be a romantic or passionate love. ITS OKAY TO FALL IN LOVE. ITS OKAY TO LOVE IN GENERAL. IT'S OKAY TO LOVE MULTIPLE THINGS. 
You, my dear, are an individual with little control of the universe around you, but who you love and what you think you deserve is your decision, it belongs to no one else. Let the world see that.

Love has no limits, you aren't given a certain amount at birth and once you give all of that away then you're put of luck. Love and Happiness act the same way. The only way to have less of it is by keeping it to yourself. Sometimes life is a leap of faith, and you know what? If you fall, there's most likely going to be a party at the bottom, full of people similar to you who would love to be in your presence.

My lovely readers today's lesson sums up t be:
Love. But most importantly love yourself. love your naked soul, love who you are and if you're at a point in your life where you have no clue who you are, love the journey. Have a goodnight my princes and princesses.
-Much love,
p.s. If you want some love, you know where to find me

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