Monday, March 3, 2014

Stars and Galaxies

So I recently read something that made a lot of sense to me, it was "To me, suicide was never a point on the map, but a glowing exit sign at a show..." and it made me think, how many of us see suicide as a destination? I know I definitely did. I saw it as a time line, at the end of everyone's time line is death, immortality isn't possible,so everyone is going to die, and to me, suicide was just getting to the end faster. It was like hitting an emergency exit button on your life. I've always heard "We're all stories in the end, just make it a good one" (yes that is a Doctor Who quote), and if we're all stories then how boring will it be if at the end it simply said "and then they died. Died without fulfilling their potential, died without knowing how loved they were, before they left their mark." Do you want that to be the end of your story? "sixteen years old, and the world was such a god awful place that they couldn't handle it anymore" The world is awful, but I'd rather my story say "Tried to commit suicide twice, lived to tell her story, had her heart broken, was covered in scars and freckles, and changed peoples life" wouldn't that be a much better place if everyones' stories were like that? Not ending with a simple "They died" but a "and in the end of their long life, they left, nothing but a shade, only to be like a phenix, and be born again, in everyones mind as 'the one who survived'" So many people believe that they are nothing, I know I did, I thought I was one person against SEVEN BILLION, but my one little person has helped people, people have told me that my blog gives them hope. Me, a girl from lufkin, a freshman at a University of over 50,000 students, helping people, changing people for the better. How many people could I have helped if I killed myself 10 months ago? 6 months? I wouldn't have been able to hear my sisters last words to me ("Goodbye Beazer, I love you"), I wouldn't have been able to meet the AMAZING new people I've met in University. My story isn't finished, and neither is yours. The world will always be terrible, there will always be people who want nothing more than to see you cry, but theres so many things worth living for:
1) Wal-Mart's $5 movies
2) Puppies cuddling with you
3)dogs in general
4)taking off your socks at the end of the day
5) making someone laugh
There are SO many reasons that your story shouldn't end with a simple "they died". YOU are so much bigger, and greater than the things that get you sad.

"Stars have been born and died, and you, you my dear, are made up of that very star dust. Your bones and soul were forged in the Galaxies that everyone dreams about, but you are so much greater, you shine so much brighter. You are more than another person. YOU are THE person, the most important person to have ever lived, to have ever set foot on this planet, and you are so loved, forever by me."
-Alex Wallace. March 3, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Your words, feelings, raw emotions........truth spoken. They help us all. Beyond loving you, "thank you". By the way, you so nailed it when you said " taking your socks off"!! Love you " :-)
