Monday, March 17, 2014

The Big "P"

We live in a rape culture, a a woman, I am told that I shouldn't go places alone at night, I shouldn't dress a certain way, act a certain way, and that I should always be on my guard, but why are we not teaching men that rape is wrong? Society is teaching our children not that people shouldn't rape others, but to present yourself in a way so YOU are not the one being raped. We like to place blame on the Porn industry, and music, but I honestly don't believe that that's the problem.

Porn isn't bad. You're not gross if you watch it, and you're definitely not gross if you masturbate. It's science and biological nature. I have watched porn before, everyone does it at least once in their lives (you're lying if you say you haven't), and society tells me, as a woman, that is wrong. But it isn't. I have such a respect for porn actresses and strippers. They are in charge of their lives, and they are empowered, not by embracing masculinity, but embracing femininity. Women are expected to embrace a masculine demeanor in order to be successful in todays world,  but then again we shame the women who do. And porn isn't the thing that is skewing societies perspective, it isn't degrading women. WOMEN ARE DEGRADING WOMEN. We like to blame the male dominated world, but in reality, a woman is more likely to put down another woman than a man, and I'm not excluding the douchebags out there who do degrade women, but the world tells me I should cover up, not have sex, be quiet, and be in style, and if you go against the pre-conceived ideal of who and what you should be, you're ostracized.

I personally do not fit into the neat little box set aside for women. I cut off all my hair, wear dark makeup, have tattoos and piercings, I cuss a lot, and I talk about sex and sexuality a lot more than deemed "lady like", but guess what? I have yet to meet a guy who has a problem with it. I am sarcastic and full of sass, and I have been deemed a whore by multiple people because of the fact that I'm so open about sex and sexuality. That's no ones business but my own. It is completely okay to be a woman who enjoys sex, its okay to have a lot of sex, its okay to never have sex.  The only thing that is NOT okay, is for you to feel like you're being pressured into something you're not ready for, or for someone to take advantage of you. I don't care if they're someone you've known for years, if ANYONE touches you and you don't want them to, punch them, and if they keep doing it, TELL SOMEONE OR CALL 911. No one has the right to make you feel like shit (and I mean that for everyone, regardless of your sex, gender, or sexuality)
I wish that this blog post could change the way the world is, I wish that I didn't have to fear for myself and carry around pepper spray. All I want is for everyone to believe that YOU are in charge of your body and your emotions, and it's about damn time you took charge.

I'm now declaring April as "Anyway you want it April" Take charge. Quit letting everyone else decide how to live your life. And KICK SOME SERIOUS ASS. Stay safe my cutie-patooties, and you know where to find me. (I don't care if you live in Alaska, if you need me to beat someone up, I got your back)


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