Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Body love

So in light of bikini season coming, i'd like to talk about everyones least favorite topic: your body. Body hatred isn't just a state of mind that effects women. I've met many guys who refuse to take off their shirts when they swim, and hide themselves under baggy t-shirts. People feel this way because at some point someone told you that you weren't beautiful they way you are. STOP LETTING SOMEONE ELSE DECIDE HOW YOU LOOK. I've been called too skinny and too fat, and trust me, both suck. I've thought about being anorexic when I was at my heaviest, but I didn't do it, because guess what? I fucking love food. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels? Bullshit. Have you had cheesecake? Or fried rice? I can name a shit-ton of things that taste better than skinny feels. Wanna know the best weight to be at? your own. Everything tastes good when you're happy. Instead of letting some editor and a photoshopped actress tell you that you don't fit society's version of beautiful, think of those italicized words. I have scars, fat rolls, wrinkles, and blemishes, but they're MINE. I EARNED those. Every "imperfection" you believe you have was a reward for your kick-ass experiences in life. If someone loves you and you're standing naked in front of them, the last thing they're thinking is "gross. look at that stretch mark" they're thinking "holy shit. I'm so lucky, where do I put my mouth first?"It's people you'll never meet making you believe that you aren't perfect, you are perfect, and beautiful. Chances are the thing you hate about yourself is someones favorite thing about you. I've dated "bigger" guys, and NEVER did I once think that they were fat or ugly or "not worthy". I loved them, and thought they were the most handsome thing I had ever seen. You are beautiful to so many people, and mostly by me. So stop hating yourself and know that you are sexy and beautiful and perfect, and someone would be HONORED to look like you.

THIS is my body, I have fat rolls, scars, tattoos, and blemishes, but it's mine. My body is the effect of my decisions, and I'm damn proud to be me. Your body loves you, it's about time you started loving it back. 

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