Saturday, February 15, 2014

What college is really like

     Lets talk about college for a minute, everyones experiences are different, so don't go in expecting anything. I went to college thinking I could forget about all the shit in my past, but that stuff will follow you anywhere if you let it. DROP THE DRAMA. like seriously, trying to be BFFS with someone who's dealing with a whole different set of problems and experiences than you is hard. I'm only friends with a handful of people who are still in high school (yes TJ, I'm talking about you), and sometimes it works. sometimes it doesn't don't force anything. If you have to force it, it's probably a shitty friendship in the first place
sex: some people have a bunch of sex in college, I do not. But if thats what you want to do, by all means go for it, and do not let anyone, ANYONE make you feel bad about it. You are a grown individual making your own decisions(and mistakes sometimes). If you're happy having sex, then go you! You get some.
food: You will not eat anything healthy. ever. 24/7 taco places will become your best friend, and Oreos and ice cream is always a GREAT idea for dinner
drinking: I went in saying "I'm never going to drink or party!" well. fuck that. I go to parties just about every weekend, and I have a good time, just know your limits and under no circumstances let anyone make a drink for you. just don't do it. Also if you drink and drive you are stupid and I'm judging you
studying/sleep: the one thing that is true for every college experience. You get to pick one (and for heavens sake DO NOT sign up for an 8am class. just don't do it)
personal hygiene/ appearance: the laws of showering/ brushing your hair do not exist. Ive gone 2 days without showering and a week without washing my hair. seriously no one cares if you look like shit. Also, if you see girls who look cute every day then they are obviously magical and you may be jealous from a distance. I thought i'd never do the 'yoga pants/ UGG boot' combo. Its comfortable, like. seriously. Comfort always comes before fashion in college. You pay $40,000 to become a zombie, so you might as well be comfortable during it. If ANYONE tells you that you look ugly, or any insult, punch them. straight in the face. YOU ARE A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE AND THEY DONT DESERVE TO LOOK UPON YOUR BEAUTY. 
relationships: I am awful at advice. Cosmo gives better relationship advice than me. sorry. May the odds be ever in your favor? (oh, and if a boy calls you weird for making a Harry Potter reference, they aren't the guy for you)
Professors: sometimes they're good, sometimes not. Sometimes they refuse to say the word "penis", and sometimes they talk about sex and motherfuckers in class (I'm not kidding. It's a poetry class, i don't know how it coms up) but either way they get paid to be there, and you're the one paying them. so suck it up. Oh, and if you can't understand a word your professor is saying, drop the class, you will not understand anything, so what's the point of being there if you aren't learning?

This has been a super long post, sorry about that, there's more to college than what you see on TV, but it's worth it. I love college, I love living on my own. But it also gets lonely, I miss my family a lot, and if you want to visit them back home(or have them visit you) do it. They're your family, they're there to support you(and you usually get free food out of it). Keep your chins up my darlings! (I have no inspirational quote for today. I'm sorry)

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