Sunday, February 23, 2014


I've recently had alot of time to think about friendships and relationships, mostly about friendships. Sometimes you'll meet people in your life and you think "yeah they're oaky" and kinda be on the fence about them until one day you look up and realize that they are some of the best friends you'll ever have. I have two friends that we've had MAJOR fall outs, but whenever my life falls to shit, they're usually the first people I talk to, and yeah, they've made shitty decisions, but who the fuck am I to judge? I've made some awful decisions in my life too, and mine are always worse because I rationalized them to myself that the choices I was making were okay. On the other hand, I've had people who promised to be with me forever, and six months down the road they stabbed me in the back. Life is all about perspective, and looking back I've made some terrible decisions. But I feel thats what life is about, thats what being a teenager is about, making stupid decisions so you can grow from them. I've tried to hold onto people who have said AWFUL things about me just because I loved them in the past, and i have this thing about wanting to feel wanted, and they made me feel that way, but you can't hold onto something just because at one point they made you feel special. Those good memories of them slowly become more and more bitter. I've loved two guys deeply and we had great memories together, but the only thing that comes to my mind now when I think of them is the train wreck we created trying to remain friends. Trust me, It's really not worth it. So for the next two weeks I want all of you to forget about the bullshit in your lives, and get rid of it. I'm aiming to rid myself of all the stressful people i've attempted to hold on to, and move on to bigger and better things. You're given one life on this Earth, do you really want to spend it hating it and being a big silly ball of stress? I didn't think so.
My Lovelies, Get rid of the assholes in your life and strive to live a freer less stressed life! It's like pulling off a bandaid, at first it sucks, and you may cry, but in the end it's worth it. I promise, and remember, if you're ever feeling lonely, you know where to find me. I will always be her for you with icecream, terrible jokes, and bad pickup lines, because I love you. 

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