Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day

So i started off this Valentines day like most single people, incredibly bitter, I saw all these happy couples and flowers and gifts and i was struck by a twang of jealousy. I don't really have a good track record with Valentines day, so that didn't exactly help, Then i started to think, what exactly is Valentines day? I mean, the original Valentines day was about a guy who got executed for performing weddings for soldiers. I get that love aspect, but priests kinda did that, they marry people its part of the job description. How did it become this?

I guess thats enough of my existential questions; back to my bitterness. Many of my good friends are in relationships (or hopelessly in love with someone who doesn't love them back), and they're happy abut valentines day, because you know, they have someone to share it with. Then as my morning progressed, I put on some classic rock and kinda just enjoyed the beautiful day it is today, I mean im single every other 364 days of the year, why is this one day so different? because its shoved in your face? well every other day it is too; movies, books, magazines. Its all "blah blah and blah are engaged" "get a significant other now using these simple steps!!) so, today really isnt that different from any other singlypringly day.

You don't have to have a boyfriend/girlfriend/civil partner/wife/husband/insert romantic interest, to have valentines day. Lots of people love you. like a bunch. Even if you dont think so, i have so many friends and family that love me, and i love them, so I stopped being bitter and realized that I have so many people to love and be thankful that I have in my life. Hell, if you dont think anyone loves you, hit me up on facebook (Alex Wallace from Lufkin,Texas) and i'll be your valentine. I'll message you chessy poetry and cute pictures. Be everyones Valentine love every single person every day, you don't know what people are going through, so show the love every day, not just on Valentines day.
and remember....
'you, yeah you. I see you, thinking you aren't pretty or handsome, thinking you aren't loved, well guess what DAYUM SON YOU IS SEXAHHHH and I love you. I may be the Lonely Bea, but I love you, and im on your side. smile and let the world see how badass you are'

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